Right Angles

When I was in high school, I remained skeptical that geometry, calculus, algebra, and the like would play a significant role in my life. "WHY do I need to know this stuff?" I bleated. 

I was wrong of course. But I didn't know it back then. I didn't know that stretching your mind and problem solving and trying to understand the magic underneath the heartbeat of how the world worked was important. 

Recently, while walking in my old neighborhood, I saw a plaque attached to a rock. I can NEVER walk by a plaque without reading it so I crossed over a small patch of grass to see what all the fuss was about. It was an explanation of how the trees planted next to the road were spaced in such away as to demonstrate the Pythagorean theorem. 

Touché, I thought. My math teacher was right again......

"Numbers rule the universe." - Pythagoras


Giving Thanks


Birch Magic