Autumn Leaves

Yesterday was the September equinox, or in plainer speak, the beginning of autumn for those of us residing in the Northern Hemisphere.

The day passed here in Los Angeles without much fanfare. But for a native New Englander like me, I felt the change in my blood. 

The switch of seasons triggers a slew of projects for cold weather folk. Fans are cleaned and put away. Window screens are swapped out for glass. Somehow the shovel has disappeared from the garage again and a run to the local hardware store is now in order.

But no one thinks much about the chores or the frigid temperatures to come. Because we are suddenly surrounded by a sea of yellow, red, and orange. Autumn leaves. Everywhere.....

"Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar." - Delia Owens, author of Where the Crawdads Sing


Wallpaper? Please no…


The Wall of Gum