For the Love of Music

Every Saturday morning of my high school career I was lucky enough to put on my polyester marching band outfit and head out on to the field.

The blue pants had a wide white stripe that ran down the side of the leg. Each of us wore white Bucs, polished and buffed. The front of the matching jacket had a white breastplate, decorated with gold buttons while fringed epaulets dangled from the shoulders. And the hat, oh the glorious hat! Festooned with a plume and held firmly in place by a plastic chin strap.

Sure, others scoffed. "Band nerds" they called us. But what they couldn't see was behind the polyester uniforms we were having fun. Piles of fun. Heaps of fun. 

Ask anyone who has ever been in a marching band what it was like and they'll rave about the uniforms, the bus rides, the slightly off-kilter Drum Major, and their unabashed love of music.... 

"Marching band is the bacon of school."


Marathon Monday


That’s A Wrap