Worth the Wait
If you missed Cinema Sunday yesterday, you missed a real treat. Angela Bassett spoke of her role in Black Panther in both sweeping cultural tones and with an eye toward the details of her craft. It was fascinating.
But the thing I enjoyed most were her insights into the emotional core of her work. She has tilled the earth of her life and seems to appreciate the longer lens she now enjoys as a woman of a certain age. Waiting to exhale no longer.
Middle age can offer a number of unexpected surprises. Like Ms. Bassett, I didn't meet my spouse during my salad days. But I'm with you Angela. Sometimes waiting is your best move......
"Maybe if you're younger you have more energy - but that's a maybe. Because at this stage of life, I have more patience, understanding, wisdom, resources - and a husband. I didn't get him until I was 39. But I got a good one." - Angela Bassett