The Art of Teaching

teach /tēCH/ verb - show or explain to (someone) how to do something.

These days, it seems like being a teacher, or a student for that matter, involve much more than Merriam-Webster would lead us to believe.

In my salad days, thoughts of September would bring to mind three-ring binders, Ticonderoga pencils, and the color of changing autumn leaves. Nowadays, classrooms are rife with TI-84 calculators, Google docs, and fields of study that didn't even exist a few decades ago.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the advancements in technology along with a tsunami of information that bleats for our attention.

What isn't different? That through the act of teaching, the world changes.....

"Let us remember: One book, One pen, One child, and One teacher can change the world." - Malala Yousafzi



