Hey Siri

A few days ago I was chatting with a student about a favorite song of hers. It was called "Hey Siri." I didn't recognize the title but she was so effusive I made a point of finding it on YouTube. The catchy melody and animated figures drew me in. But the words. Oh the words... 


Hey Siri, what's the meaning of life?

I've been spending all my time

just trying to find

all the answers 

to the questions 

that you can't look up online.

Hey Siri, could you tell me how to 

fix my broken heart?

No one made it stop

I just can't get it to start. 

Hey Siri, are you happy?

Do you wish that you could cry?

Are you as lost as me?

Hey Siri, what's the meaning of life?

The ubiquitous presence of cell phones in our lives is touted as the answer to everything; our information portal, our social conduit, even our entertainment. But in the end, our flat screens do just that --- fall flat. 

"Hey Siri, what's the meaning of life?" - Salem Ilene




