No Thanks…

I think I might be the only person in the state of California who doesn't like avocado.

Give me lemons until my mouth puckers. Shower me with grapefruit, oranges plucked straight from the tree, and of course the ubiquitous grape. But avocado? I think I'll pass.

Something about the texture is a bit too mushy for my palate. The verdant exterior looks a bit prehistoric somehow. I know it has antioxidants. I know it sports more potassium than bananas. And it's a hometown favorite for sure. California is responsible for 90% of the avocado crop grown here in the United States.

And yet, meh. More guacamole for everyone else?

"You can't judge an avocado until you guac-a-mile in its shoes."– Anonymous (for obvious reasons....)



