Sea Glass

If you look carefully you can see them glisten, wedged between the rocks and shells, a dash of color amidst the sand's tan palette. 

Roiling salt water is responsible for their frosted veneer. After tumbling through endless tides, these shards are spat up on shore, left to wait for an observant eye, a collector, a beachcomber in search of the perfect find.

The treasure we seek? Sea Glass. 

I have collected these pieces of "ocean jewelry" for decades now. I have countless bowls, filled to the brim with chromatic bits of glass. I found my favorite piece during a beach walk in Gloucester, a bottleneck, polished smooth by the New England ebb and flow. 

The intersection of land and sea is both firm and fleeting. Perhaps that's its magic, a transformational line in the sand.

"I want to age like sea glass. I want to enjoy the journey and let my preciousness be, not in spite of the impacts of life, but because of them." - Bernadette Noll


Surf’s Up!

