Second Time Around

True confessions. I’m a bit of a recycling maniac.

I'm not above swiping things out of the kitchen trash that have mistakenly been discarded. I'm perfectly content to wash out even the stickiest of plastic containers in an effort to lessen the landfill. And don't even get me started on drink bottles. My recycling bin runneth over.

As we near the end of Women's History Month, it feels like the right moment to tip my hat to fellow recycling maven Liz Pinfield-Wells. Featured this week in The Washington Post, Pinfield-Wells placed recycling bins at the end of her driveway to collect items refused by her township's curbside pick-up. Over the course of the last four years, two additional tons of material were diverted for reuse. And as if that weren't enough, all of the money she was paid by various recycling centers has been donated to charity. 

Here's to you Liz. You've taken the phrase "Mother Earth" to an entirely new level.

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan




And the Oscar goes to…