The View From Above

Riding a camel was never a life goal of mine, until it was.

Kneeling on the shifting sands of the Arabian desert, my camel Jabbar waited patiently for me to hop aboard. Camels are surprisingly broad, presenting a unique challenge for petite women trying to launch themselves a top their precarious ridge. But Jabbar seemed in no hurry as I clawed my way up and over. He was a perfect gentlemen.

Over the dunes we clopped. It all felt a bit unsteady at first. But then I managed to get the rhythm of it, bobbing left and then right as Jabbar hoofed his was slowly across the landscape.

It wasn't the most efficient or glamorous mode of travel I've ever experienced, but it's all about perspective. And Jabbar changed mine ... forever. 

"A camel makes an elephant feel like a jet plane." - Jacqueline Kennedy


Bubble Gum


Not Throwin’ Away My Shot