Van Jones

The featured speaker at the conference I attended this week was political commentator, author, activist, and frequent CNN contributor Van Jones. 

Of the many offerings listed on the program's schedule, this was the one that held the most appeal for me. His story is a compelling one. Raised in poverty just east of Memphis. A public school kid who didn't speak for much of his time in grade school due to a speech impediment. Both a rebellious teen and self-proclaimed nerd, Jones raced up the educational ladder, eventually receiving his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School. Jones spoke eloquently of the influence his parents had on his trajectory; his mother a high school teacher and his father a middle school principal. 

Armed with knowledge and savvy, Jones has made a significant impact on our political landscape, including an unexpected pairing with Jared Kushner to help pass criminal justice reform measures. As he remarked during his speech, "a bird can't fly with only a left wing...."

"Outliers are those who have been given opportunities and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them." – Malcolm Gladwell



