What the Fluff?

Stop the presses! It has FINALLY happened! 

Just this month, the word "fluffernutter" has been officially added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, joining such legendary turns of phrase as "Dad Bod," "Vaccine Passport," and "Doorbell Camera." 

Invented in 1917, this sugary staple was a hallmark of my childhood lunches. Indeed I am such a fan I count myself among the many volunteers of the annual "What the Fluff" festival, a cacophony of marshmallow concoctions and carnival rides, held each year in Somerville (MA), where Fluff was originally invented.

Sure there are healthier options. But is there anything more fun?

"No one ever pretended that shopping is a rational experience. If it were, would there be Fluffernutter? Laceless sneakers? Porkpie hats? Would the Chia Pet even exist?" – Jeffrey Kluger


A Slippery Slope

