Where’s my coat?

It occurred to me this week that it was December and I had yet to put on my coat.

I have only lived, until now, in cold places, each one more bitter and raw than the next. At least half of my closet space is taken up with coats, along with their traditional accoutrements; scarfs, hats, mittens, and gloves. My closet is a moth's dream, stuffed with enough wool to keep their voracious hunger pangs at bay.

Despite this treasure trove, around February I grow cranky with my coats. I'm tired of all the buttoning and swaddling. The weight of those additional folds of fabric make my shoulders slope and my spirit wither. The cold drains me from the outside in and the inside out.

When you need a warm coat, there is nothing better than having one. Except for not needing it in the first place.

"You have to feel the bite of the wind to appreciate the warmth of a winter coat." – Fennel Hudson


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