
I learned a lot from my mother. 

I was inspired by her fierceness. I watched her insist a place in the working world be available to her, and later, to me. I listened as she disavowed anyone who thought she was "just a woman, ruled by her emotions." I understood the complexities of walking in this world, incarnate in the body of a woman, from my mother.

But it was my father who gave me my confidence. In my father's eyes I saw the reflection of what I could be. It was my father who taught me to celebrate and treasure the ways in which I was not made in his likeness.

With Father's Day just around the corner, I celebrate the man who raised me to be the woman I am.......

"A study of successful women showed they all had one thing in common; fathers who listened to them." – Elinor Lipman, I Can't Complain


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