Bumper Crop

I've never been a big fan of bumper stickers. 

After spending tens of thousands of dollars on a car, I just couldn't see how a sticky, silly, or worst yet, snarky comment pasted onto my back bumper was an upgrade. 

I fear I hold the minority view on this one. Every day I learn where people sent their kids to college, read proclamations of finding Jesus, and discover the political leanings of my adjacent drivers while stuck in traffic. I'm just not sure I need to know all that.

But this week I came across a bumper sticker that tweaked both my theology and my funny bone.

"What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?"

Perhaps I need to rethink my position.....

“Only a writer would slap a bumper sticker on her car that read, 'Seriously, I'd rather be working'.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich



