
For the past two weeks I have walked to and from work each day. That, in of itself, is not unusual. It gives me time to both prepare and unwind from the various activities of the day. My extended strolls provide fodder for sermons, unkink muscles cramped by my desk, and acclimate me to my new neighborhood. Pretty standard stuff.

So why do I feel so different here? The answer? 84. 

As in there are 284 days of sunshine each year in Los Angeles. That's 84 more days than my native Boston. Even more if you subtract days categorized as "partly sunny," bringing the total of bright sparkly days in Beantown down to a paltry 98. 186 days less than here in the City of Angels.

Given our planet orbits the sun, it's no wonder light has such a salvific effect.

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy." – John Denver




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